Wanna teach at Harvard? Be a Taylor Swift fan

James Devaney/GC Images

Harvard University is just the latest school to offer a course on Taylor Swift, but there's an interesting component to this one — the university is putting out a call for Swifties who can teach it.

Professor Stephanie Burt created the course called "Taylor Swift and Her World," and she's teaching it. But as she announced on X, formerly Twitter, on Wednesday, "Our Taylor Swift course at Harvard is so popular that we need additional teaching assistants."

"If you live in the Boston/Providence metro, love Tay, & have *qualifications or experience to teach a writing intensive college course,* my DMs are open," she continued. Burton's replies quickly filled up with people — many who actually seemed qualified — offering their services.

Burt told The Boston Globe in November that at the time, around 300 students had already signed up for the course, but there were no plans to cap the attendance. She said, "Everyone who's interested in the material gets a chance to study.”

“It is, to some extent, a class about fans and followings and celebrities,” Burt said. “But the focus is on the evolution of this major songwriter and the relationship between the music that she makes and other kinds of arts that use words.”

Friday, January 5, 2024 at 6:00AM by Andrea Dresdale Permalink