E Street Band guitarist Nils Lofgren is set to release a new solo album, Mountains, on July 21 and has shared the first single from the record, “Ain’t The Truth Enough,” featuring special guest Ringo Starr on drums.
In addition to Ringo, the 10-track album features guest appearances by several of Lofgren’s famous friends, including Neil Young and the late David Crosby.
“These songs are all born of raw emotion,” Lofgren shares. “I gave myself permission to share my fear and my anger, my love and my hope, to be open about what I was experiencing without overanalyzing or editing my life out of it."
He adds, “This album started as a form of therapy but it very quickly grew beyond that,” noting “it was so freeing to work without any restrictions, to just write whatever came out, and it turned into some of the most inspired work I think I’ve ever made.”
To coincide with the release, Lofgren will launch his Rockality video series, where he'll share stories from his music career. The videos will be available for purchase starting July 21 at nilslofgren.com.
Here is the track list for Mountains. It’s available for preorder now.
“Ain't the Truth Enough" (feat. Ringo Starr)
"Only Ticket Out"
"Back In Your Arms" (feat. the Howard Gospel Choir)
"Won't Cry No More"
"Nothing's Easy" (feat. Neil Young)
"Dream Killer"
"Only Your Smile" (feat. Ron Carter)
"I Remember Her Name" (feat. David Crosby)
"We Better Find It"
"Angel Blues"