From "Lil Boo Thang" to Lil Headlining Thang: Paul Russell ready to hit the stage

Nathalie Rodriguez

"Lil Boo Thang" singer Paul Russell will do his first headlining gigs December 4 and 5 in LA and New York. He says it's not the first time he's performed for an audience, but it's a "dream come true" to be able to create a true live experience to go with his music.

"I've, in the past, done shows, like, y'know, showcases in LA or opening for someone and that kind of thing," Paul tells ABC Audio. "When I first started out making music, before there was ever a thought of it being a career, I would play ukulele at coffee shops ... so I'm comfortable being in front of people."

But as Paul notes, his shows at El Cid Sunset in LA and Baby's All Right in New York are a whole 'nother level.

"It's cool now figuring out a live show because there's so much more that comes with that. It's like, OK, I'm not singing a couple of songs for five minutes. I'm building something that people are going to go and and pay [for]' ... it's a whole thing," he notes. "There's a production to it."

"So that's exciting to me, being able to, you know, think about what the physical, like, world is for my music and how it manifests in person," Paul says. "So it's a dream come true to be at the point where I have to think about those things."

Fans will also find out that Paul has many, many more songs than "Lil Boo Thang": He released albums in 2018 and 2019, and his previous single, "Ms. Poli Sci," has racked up more than 23 million streams.

Monday, December 4, 2023 at 6:00AM by Andrea Dresdale Permalink