Katy Perry is coming "out of the cocoon" in 2024

ABC/Eric McCandless

Katy Perry won't go so far as to say definitively that we'll be getting a new album and tour from her this year, but she's not not saying it either.

Speaking with E! News, Katy was asked to confirm that music and a world tour are on tap for her in 2024. "That's a lot to confirm," she says. "I definitely will be starting a new chapter. I think it's time to come out of the cocoon, of sorts. To bloom!"

Is that a cute acknowledgement of those rumors that Katy will finally tie the knot this year with Orlando Bloom, to whom she's been engaged since 2019? We'll have to stay tuned for that, but meanwhile, she tells E! that she's not sure she'd want to join her fiancé on the big screen one day.

"It's so intense. I mean, it's such a commitment," she says, sharing that Orlando recently had to fly back to the set of his latest project to shoot a whole new scene in five days. "The days are so intense," she added. "So if I were to ever do something, it would be a passion project."

And as a former Super Bowl halftime show headliner, Katy was asked if she had any advice for this year's headliner, Usher. "No way!" she laughed. "No advice. He's got it!"

But she did have some advice about hanging out with Usher, which she did last summer: It turns out both of them play the card game Monopoly Deal "religiously."

"We played it together ... he beat me twice. Orlando beat him once," Katy says. So, she advises, "Don't play Monopoly Deal with Usher because he will beat your a**. He's so ruthless!"

Wednesday, January 10, 2024 at 9:00AM by Andrea Dresdale Permalink