James Hetfield feels it's a "travesty" Motörhead's not in the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame

ABC/Randy Holmes

Metallica's James Hetfield has a major gripe with the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame.

In an interview on the latest episode of the Metallica Report podcast, Hetfield say that Motörhead not being in the Rock Hall is a "disrespect to rock 'n' roll."

"The most rock 'n' roll lifestyle-living person on this planet is not in the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame, which is a travesty, a shame," Hetfield says, referring to late Motörhead frontman Lemmy Kilmister.

Hetfield has long been an admirer of Motörhead and Lemmy — the Metallica song "Murder One" pays tribute to the "Ace of Spades" rocker. In April, Hetfield shared that he'd gotten a tattoo infused with Lemmy's ashes, which were sent to a number of his good friends.

"For me, [the tattoo is] paying respects to [Lemmy] in maybe lieu of him being in the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame, which still continues to piss me off," Hetfield says.

Motörhead was nominated for the Rock Hall once in 2020, but wasn't selected for induction.

Thursday, May 23, 2024 at 2:30PM by Josh Johnson Permalink