Alicia Silverstone is a famous actress, but it's obvious she was never a Girl Scout. If she had been, she'd know not to eat strange fruit one comes across in the wild.
However, that's apparently what she did, according to a video on Instagram.
On Monday, the avowed vegan star posted a video of a fruit she came across in a garden on a London street, saying, "OK, I've discovered something that I can't figure out what it is and I need your help," adding it looks like a "tomahto."
"I just bit into this because it was on the street, and we were discussing whether it was a tomato. It's definitely not because look at these leaves," she said, aiming her phone camera through a fence.
Internet sleuths quickly identified the plant as a solanum pseudocapsicum, which bears the poisonous fruit known as the Jerusalem or Christmas cherry.
Silverstone later followed her post with another stating, "Alive and well! Don’t worry… I didn't swallow."
Apart from the potentially hazardous practice of eating strange fruit, others just thought it was rude. "[Y]ou think it's respectful to take something out of someones [sic] garden without their consent?? Where are your manners?" one respondent griped.