Bring Me the Horizon releasing studio version of Ed Sheeran BRIT Awards collaboration

JMEnternational/Getty Images

Bring Me the Horizon's collaboration with Ed Sheeran isn't over yet.

The two acts are planning to release a studio version of their collaborative version of Sheeran's hit "Bad Habits," which they performed together during the U.K.'s BRIT Awards last week.

The news was announced in a video of a FaceTime call between Horizon frontman Oli Sykes and Sheeran, during which they reminisced about the fun they had onstage together.

"It's just a joy to be able to play electric guitar and actually rock out properly," Sheeran said. "So thank you for agreeing to do it."

At the end of the call, Sykes and Sheeran agree they need to release a studio version.

"We have to get one out," Sheeran says.

They'll do just that when the recording drops this Friday, February 18.

Monday, February 14, 2022 at 5:45PM by Josh Johnson Permalink