Jax's song "Victoria's Secret," which skewers the pressure society places on women to conform to a certain body type, is a huge hit. And while people keep on asking her how she's going to follow it up, she says she could literally quit right now and be perfectly happy.
That's because, thanks to the success of "Victoria's Secret," Jax got to perform at New York's Madison Square Garden on Friday night, and for the New Jersey-born singer, it was the greatest night of her life.
"I keep getting that question, like, 'Hey, what's next?' And I feel like I just peaked!" she told ABC Audio backstage. "I just played the Garden and I had people singing the song that I wrote in a tiny little room."
But still, she must have goals, right? "I dunno...I'd like to meet more people," she said. "I'd like to go on tour. And I have lots of other songs...so I hope that people keep listening."
"And if not, whatever!" she laughed. "'Cause this is really freakin' cool!"
On the personal side, Jax said she's touched at the way "Victoria's Secret" has helped people love themselves for who they are. Looking at her TikTok feed, she says she sees "every different shape and body type in the entire world...singing my songs and healing together...and making fun of the system."
However, she revealed that one of the "really crazy" side effects of her song's success has been having "girl dads" ask her for advice.
"Dads...reach out to me and they're like, 'Hey, my daughter's turning into a teenager. And...there's some awkward conversations I don't know how to address. And it's weird for me,'" she laughs. "So, like, that side of things, I feel really cool about!"