"Quicksand" rapper Morray appeared on HotNewHipHop’s new YouTube series, "Snack Review," to share his favorite treats, restaurants, and what he could eat for the rest of his life.
The Fayetteville, NC native begins by explaining how he never went trick or treating as kid for Halloween. "I just stole people's candy," Morray says, before laughing. "Sorry, I was a child. I didn't know any better. If I had to pick one candy in my whole life to eat, it would be Reese's. Just because how the [hell] can you [mess] up a Reese's."
As for fast food and restaurants, Morray says he enjoys Popeye’s chicken sandwiches and eating soul food at his favorite hometown spot, Grandsons Famous Buffet. Yet the 28-year-old father of three says he prefers home-cooked meals.
"I like to grill. I'm a dad, so I take pride in how I get on the grill," he says. "I like to make my [food] look pretty. Get a little [sauce] on that [meat. I take a lighter and light a match, just to be fancy, and toss that...in. That's when you put your sausage links, your ribs, your steak, your shish kebabs, your corn, and [eat] it up with my open-toe sandals. Dad [ish]."
When asked what meal could he eat everyday for the rest of his life, Morray chose his wife’s tasty empanada recipe. "I could eat them all day," he gushes over her food. "[If] she makes 12, I eat eight. I don't care about nobody else in the house. Long as y’all had one, y’all had enough."