Over 100 kids to perform Every. Kelly. Clarkson. Song. Ever. at January benefit concert

Jordan Noel/Songs for Kids

Over the years, Kelly Clarkson has released 10 albums — and an ambitious charity concert planned for 2024 promises performances of every single song that has appeared on those albums.

The Songs for Kids Foundation, which funds free music programs for kids and young adults with illnesses, injuries or disabilities, has announced the Every. Kelly. Clarkson. Song. Ever. Fest!, which will take place January 13 and 14 at The Eastern in Atlanta, Georgia. Proceeds from the event will go to the foundation.

Over two days, more than 100 kids and young adults with illnesses or disabilities who are part of the Songs for Kids Mentorship Program will perform Kelly's entire catalog. Musicians with and without disabilities, including speaking and nonspeaking performers, will interpret all of Kelly's songs, from "A Moment Like This" through her current album, chemistry.

Tickets for the event are on sale now at SongsforKids.org.

In 2022, Songs for Kids held its inaugural charity concert, Every. Taylor. Song. Ever. Fest!, during which they performed 194 Taylor Swift songs, including Midnights and its bonus tracks.

Wednesday, September 27, 2023 at 6:00AM by Andrea Dresdale Permalink