Harry Styles, participating in "disgusting" Australia tradition, drinks out of his shoe

Sonja Flemming/CBS

While adding the taste of dirty, sweaty feet to your adult beverage doesn't seem like a good idea, drinking out of one's shoe -- or "doing a shoey" -- is apparently a beloved tradition in Australia. So who was Harry Styles to argue?

In fan-shot video of his concert in Perth, Monday night, Harry is seen asking if anyone has a drink they can lend him in order to try his hand at the activity. “Can we do a shoey with water or is that against the rules? No?” he asks.

After pouring water into his sneaker, Harry announces, "This is one of the most disgusting traditions I've ever witnessed," before shotgunning it into his mouth as the crowd cheers.

Harry's in the middle of the Down Under leg of his Love on Tour trek, which takes him to Melbourne later this week.  After wrapping up his run of shows in Australia, he'll head to New Zealand, then to Asia and on to Europe.

Earlier this month, Harry's album Harry's House was named Album of the Year at the Grammy Awards.

Tuesday, February 21, 2023 at 9:30AM by Andrea Dresdale Permalink