If you're a "Sucker" for popcorn, then you'll love The Jonas Brothers' new business venture.
Turns out the brothers have been enjoying a unique backstage snack for years: popcorn dressed up with a special blend of seasonings. The popcorn is the invention of Rob Garbowsky -- the father of Greg Garbowsky, a current member of JoBros' management team -- and back in 2011, Nick Jonas convinced Rob to start making it for them and their crew.
The popcorn quickly became everyone's favorite snack, and now, JoBros have partnered with the food and beverage company The Naked Market to make it available to you. Rob's Backstage Popcorn is now for sale at EatRobs.com; it costs $19.99 for four bags.
"All three of us are thrilled to bring Rob's Backstage Popcorn to the world, and we truly mean that - from busy moms juggling multiple things at once, to the on-the-go college student looking for a quick bite, we couldn't be more excited to finally share Rob's Backstage Popcorn with everyone," says Nick in a statement.